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About My Classroom

Welcome to my first grade classroom!  We come together every day in room 18 at Timber Lane E.S. to learn and have fun.  My students are a very diverse group and represent more than 7 nationalities and speak more than 5 languages.  More than half of my students are English Language Learners and within that group, students range from just learning English all the way to proficient use of English.  My students also represent a wide range of home lives as well.  Some have parents working for the military or government, some have parents who work 2 jobs.  Some have both parents, some have a single mom or dad.  Many live in apartments, some in single family homes, and some have technically been homeless.  All of these differences make our classroom a wonderful place to learn and grow.  Enjoy the pictures and take a look inside our room!

Classroom Rules

Each year I work with my class to develop a set of classroom rules that we all sign.  These are posted in the room all year long as a reminder of the expectations for the class.  The rules are always stated in a positive way, rather than a negative, and there are never more than 5.

All photos on this page are my own.

Permission was granted to use photos of students.

© 2017 DeAndra George

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