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Gallery of Links

Language Arts

Storyline Online is a wonderful site that is supported by the Screen Actors Guild.  It provides viewers with numerous stories read by famous actors.  This is an excellent way to bring read-aloud into the classroom, or have students listen to stories at home.  Students enjoy hearing the stories,and, on occasion, recognizing a well-know actor or actress.

MyOn is a site that provides students access to thousands of books that they can listen to.  When school districts participate, each students gets their own account that can be accessed both in the classroom and at home.  The site contains a wide variety of books, fiction and non-fiction, that cover a myriad of topics.  A quick search will help students find plenty of books to read.

Scholastic is a well-known company that sells children's books at a reasonable price.  The company also provides schools and teachers with many resources that they can use in the classroom to enhance student learning.  Parents can also access many resources that can be used at home to help develop their child's literacy skills.


3-Act Tasks are an engaging way to allow students to work on their problem solving skills.  This site provides educators with numerous tasks that they can use in their classroom at a variety of levels.  Each task presents the students with a problem and enough information for them to find the answer to the question that goes along with the scenario.  

The Kentucky Numeracy Project has a plethora of resources for both math assessment and instruction or intervention.  Teachers and parents can easily access numerous online learning activities, printable games, and activities.  The site also provides viewers with many wonderful resources for further learning about the best way to support children.

Dreambox is an excellent site that supports students' mathematical learning through games.  The site uses ongoing assessment to determine a  student's mathematical ability and then provide them with games that target specific learning goals alined with their specific needs.  This site can be accessed at school and at home on a computer or any other device.

General Classroom Resources

Discovery Education is a website full of resources for that are mostly focused on science.  The site offers many things like virtual field trips, homework support, and activities that encourage hands on learning.  This site provides resources for students of all ages, Kindergarten through twelfth grade and is easily accessible to teachers, parents, and students.

BrainPop is a site that has videos covering specific topics in all content areas.  These videos are brief and engaging for students.  Each video provides break throughout the video in order to give students a chance to answer questions.  There is also a BrainPop Jr., which focuses on Kindergarten through third grade, and BrainPop ESL which helps students learn English.

GoNoodle is a site that provides teachers and parents with thousands of videos that get students up and moving.  Some of the videos simply provide students with brain breaks that get the kids moving, while others focus on content areas in a quick, engaging way.  While these videos are perfect for school use, parents can also use GoNoodle at home to keep their kids active.

Remind is a wonderful application that support easy parent-teacher communication.  This application allows parents and teacher communicate in the way that they feel most comfortable, via email or text message, while keeping everyone's information private.  Teachers can send out whole class reminders, small group or individual messages, and even pictures.

All photos link to the site from which they came.

© 2017 DeAndra George

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